On Sunday, September 17, 10 members of the SEA (Southwestern Environmental

Associates) Club had the unique opportunity to participate in Vision 2023: Earth

Edition located on the campus of California Institute of the Arts. Vision 2023 is a

Festival of Eco-Consciousness and Interactive Dreaming for a better future.

Students experienced the world premiere of The Dream Dome, a journey through

three domes designed by world-famous innovators. In the last dome students

used AI and other cutting edge technology to create their perfect planets.

We also participated in a Sound Bath where we relaxed to healing sound waves. The Sound Bath used various high-vibrations, instruments, movements, and art to

help expand vision and eco-consciousness. Another highlight of the day was

creating seed bombs with clay, compost, and seeds from native plants. Seed

bombs are designed to be thrown around to increase the population of native

plant species that benefit our local ecosystems.

Metabolic Studio is the company that sponsored the seed bomb booth. We were intrigued to learn about their project in the LA River called Bending the River. This innovative project will divert water currently running into the ocean into irrigation systems that will water two large parks in the downtown area. Students and club sponsors all enjoyed this unique and enlightening experience.